2922 REVIEW DENIED Under the FEHA, a disability is a condition that causes a limitation on a major life activity, but not necessarily a substantial limitation, and working is a major life activity, so negative employment action taken because of a perception that plaintiff&Mac226;s mental condition prevented her from working could be discrimination on the basis of a perceived disabilityCitationJENSEN v WELLS FARGO (Inability to Work) 85 CA4 245 [See: GovC 12940 etseq; Muller v Auto Club 61 CA4 431, T/AT 3/98; Pensinger v Bowsmith 60 CA4 709, T/AT 2/98; Real v City 73 CA4 1407, T/AT 9/99; Cassista v Community 5 C4 1050, T/AT 11/93]