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Case Summary

5026 REVIEW DENIED. In sexual assault of child cause of action accruing before January 1, 2009 against a school district, the plaintiff must present the claim within 6 months under the Government Tort Claims Act; delayed discovery of the assault does not automatically extend the 6 months period but instead must be pled by alleging facts in the complaint that will invoke the discovery rule; this problem has been fixed for post January 1, 2009 claims because the Government Tort Claims Act has been amended to provide longer periods for reporting childhood sexual assault.


S.M. v LOS ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT (More Time, Too Late) 184 CA4 712 REV DENIED [See GovCode §905(m); CCP §340.1; Curtis T v County of L.A., 123 CA4 1405]

2010 Case Summaries

JAN: 1607 | 1607 | 1607 | 1608 | 1608 | 4970 | 4971 | 4972 | 4973 | 4974 | 4975 | 4976 | 4977 | 4978 | 4979 | 4980 | 4981 | p1606 | p1607 | p1608 | p1609 | p1610 | p1611 | p1612 | p1613 | p1614 | p1615 | p1616 | p1617 | P1618 | P1619 |
FEB: 4982 | 4983 | 4984 | 4985 | 4986 | 4987 | 4988 | 4989 | 4990 | 4991 | 4992 | 4993 |
MAR: 4994 | 4995 | 4996 | 4997 | 4998 | 4999 | 5000 | 5001 | 5002 | 5003 | 5004 | p1620 | p1621 | P1622 | P1623 | P1624 | P1625 | p1626 | p1627 | p1628 | P1629 | p1630 | p1631 | p1632 |
APR: 5005 | 5006 | 5007 | 5008 | 5009 | 5010 | 5011 | 5012 | 5013 |
MAY: 5014 | 5015 | 5016 | 5017 | 5018 | 5019 | 5020 | 5021 | 5022 | 5023 |
JUN: 5024 | 5025 | 5026 | 5027 | 5028 | 5029 | 5030 | 5031 | 5032 | 5033 | 5034 |
JUL: 5035 | 5036 | 5037 | 5038 | 5039 | 5040 | 5041 | 5042 | 5043 | 5044 |

Torts Case Summaries

1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 |

Civil Procedure Case Summaries

2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 |

Finz Case Law Summaries (Finz Advance Tapes)
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