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Case Summary

4977 REVIEW DENIED California statutes requiring quality-of-care review systems and imposing a duty on MA HMOs to ensure adequately and timely care were expressly preempted by federal regulations. Furthermore, plaintiff’s causes of action based on state common law concepts of duty, independent of the California statutes, are also preempted.


YARICKv PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA (Medicare Advantage Preemption) 179 CA4 1158 [See Health & Safety Code §1367.01; 42 USC § 1395w-26(b)(3)]

2010 Case Summaries

JAN: 1607 | 1607 | 1607 | 1608 | 1608 | 4970 | 4971 | 4972 | 4973 | 4974 | 4975 | 4976 | 4977 | 4978 | 4979 | 4980 | 4981 | p1606 | p1607 | p1608 | p1609 | p1610 | p1611 | p1612 | p1613 | p1614 | p1615 | p1616 | p1617 | P1618 | P1619 |
FEB: 4982 | 4983 | 4984 | 4985 | 4986 | 4987 | 4988 | 4989 | 4990 | 4991 | 4992 | 4993 |
MAR: 4994 | 4995 | 4996 | 4997 | 4998 | 4999 | 5000 | 5001 | 5002 | 5003 | 5004 | p1620 | p1621 | P1622 | P1623 | P1624 | P1625 | p1626 | p1627 | p1628 | P1629 | p1630 | p1631 | p1632 |
APR: 5005 | 5006 | 5007 | 5008 | 5009 | 5010 | 5011 | 5012 | 5013 |
MAY: 5014 | 5015 | 5016 | 5017 | 5018 | 5019 | 5020 | 5021 | 5022 | 5023 |
JUN: 5024 | 5025 | 5026 | 5027 | 5028 | 5029 | 5030 | 5031 | 5032 | 5033 | 5034 |
JUL: 5035 | 5036 | 5037 | 5038 | 5039 | 5040 | 5041 | 5042 | 5043 | 5044 |

Torts Case Summaries

1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 |

Civil Procedure Case Summaries

2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 |

Finz Case Law Summaries (Finz Advance Tapes)
PO Box 1422
Sierra Madre, CA 91025
Phone: (877) 858-3848 or (626) 298-6353

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